Showing 3 Result(s)

BP Prediction from ECG data

This project aimed to develop a machine-learning model capable of predicting blood pressure levels based on features extracted from electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The goal was to explore the potential of non-invasive ECG monitoring as a means of predicting blood pressure without the need for traditional cuff-based measurements. Data Acquisition and Preprocessing Data Source: Kaggle The …

Research Paper Recommendation System

This project aimed at building a research paper recommendation system for researchers of a global food corporation. The goal is to develop a personalized paper recommendation system to help users discover new research papers based on their preferences and past interactions with the platform. I extensively researched different ways to build recommendation systems before deciding …

Wine Classification using Neural Networks

This project aimed to build a classifier to sort wine into seven different classes based on their quality. We chose MLP Classifier for the task since this project was a part of my Neural Networks course. The classifier learns using 10 features from the collected data. Data Collection and Preprocessing Data Source: Wine Quality Dataset …